Monday, April 03, 2006

Title Needed….

This shall be my last post of the evening, I promise. Give a girl a blog… and next she’ll ask for time to do nothing but write in it!

I need a blog title. My original title was:

Musings on Life & the Pursuit of Political Sanity

However, I’d estimate that postings about politics shall only account for 17.4% of my postings, far too many to allow me to use 65.9% of my title characters for the topic.

Currently, my title is simply Musings. This, alas, is boring. I’m only boring 14.3% of the time and generally only when someone gets me started on a topic that I find extremely interesting (the topics I find extremely interesting often seem to bore other people). Regardless, I certainly don’t feel that I am boring enough to warrant a boring blog title.

So I need title help! I’m sure that someone, somewhere could come up with some terribly witty, accurate, and rock-star-like blog title for my blog. Right???