Friday, August 11, 2006

Shameless Promotion

Are you looking for humorous atheist-themed bags, T-shirts, mugs, buttons, bumper stickers, and even postage stamps? Check out the "Atheists & Friends" section of Dday Designs at Café Press.

**I should point out that there is absolutely no connection between myself and the designer of this apparel. Well, other than that I live with him, sleep with him, and know both his favorite color (blue) and best qualities in bed (I’m not telling- you might try to steal him away!). I also may have played a tiny part in offering suggestions for some of the themes. Other than these insignificant points, I consider myself a completely unbiased promoter of these products. I also promise to promote the nifty, atheist-themed products of anyone else who will tell me his or her favorite color.**