Thursday, August 31, 2006

Jesus Camp

A new documentary, Jesus Camp, follows several children’s experiences at "Kids on Fire", an evangelical Christian summer camp run by Pastor Becky Fischer.

"Jesus Camp," from documakers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady ("Boys of Baraka"), may shock many viewers, especially political liberals, when it shows children speaking in tongues, their faces glowing with ecstasy and tears running down their cheeks. Liberals might also be alarmed by images of 7-year-olds in camouflage face-paint performing spiritual war dances at summer camp and little hands reaching out to bless a cardboard cut-out of President George W. Bush in the hope of cinching a pro-life Supreme Court appointment. A&E Indie Films production could rouse brisk theatrical interest before hitting TV.

(a few paragraphs down)

Fischer, who boasts she can "go into a playground of kids that don't know anything about Christianity and lead them to the Word in no time at all," is surely a formidable salesperson. Using visual aids such as little plastic fetuses to appeal to raw emotion and healthy doses of guilt to evoke religious rapture, Fischer is always focused on her mission.

- article from

Alarming stuff, eh?

The official site is Jesus Camp and the trailer can be found at AOL movies. The film doesn't open in Ohio until October 9th, though the official release date is September 15th. If anyone sees it before I do, please let me know what you think!