Monday, June 05, 2006


Yes, I've been there and yes, it was frozen over (quite logically so, as it was December in Michigan). I even quickly ran a lighter under my finger and have thus officially burned in hell. Oh, the lengths I will go to for a corny joke.

- Party in Hell (Michigan)


Hell might not be living in Michigan. It might be living with your 18 year old brother. I’m theorizing that this living arrangement may end up being more difficult than being married, largely because one can’t threaten to withhold sex from one’s brother.

So, it’s not really hell yet. Perhaps just a case of heck is looming. My brother moved in last weekend and the first five days of our cohabitation went swimmingly. However, this may have been due to the fact that almost immediately after dropping off his kitten, Peaches, on Sunday he went to go visit friends until Friday morning. Friday night was fairly uneventful and even included a shared spaghetti dinner and a feeling, on my part at least, of potential communal happiness. I left on Saturday to visit my boyfriend’s parents and didn’t get back until Sunday afternoon.

I returned to potential conflicts. My house reeked of pot and there were cans of beer stacked in the vegetable drawer of my refrigerator. My sink was filled with my dishes, which he and his friends had used. They had also been using my computer. I suppose this isn’t a huge deal, but in my panic about my newfound lack of privacy, it seemed like quite the problem. I was pretty upset about it all, but wanted to wait until I was calmer to decide what to address before he and I had a “conversation”. His friends (including a 17 year old, which adds a new dimension to the beer-drinking part) came back yesterday evening, so I fled to stay in Columbus overnight. I’m back tonight and things are still somewhat messy, but there are no teenage boys (including my brother, who seems to have disappeared) and my house even smells relatively normal again.

Eck. Maybe it’s just purgatory. Does someone want to donate enough money to the Catholic church to buy my way out?