Friday, July 07, 2006

Back Again (kind of)

Well, I’ve been back, gone again, back again, and am about to be gone again. There is great pressure in adding a blog entry after so much absence… it feels like whatever I write must be brilliant, witty, and relevant in order to make up for the fact that I haven’t written for so long.

Earlier this week, I decided to avoid the entire pressure of a good blog entry by writing about something entirely mundane, such as getting my tires changed on Wednesday. However, my tires were not indeed changed on Wednesday due to a mix-up, so even my mundane writing prompt failed me. I also considered writing about how I pondered, on the way home from the non-tire change, the blog entry that I could write if my still-damaged-right-back tire exploded on the freeway. A near death experience would certainly be worthy of writing about. Do all people who write do this, wander around with the running dialogue of “well, if that happened, think how brilliantly I could express it in (blah, blah, blah) work of literary significance I am creating!” I certainly do, especially when I feel a writing project looming over my head.

Ah, I’m considering erasing all of this and starting over again, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll just not start again, so I’m going to be stubborn and leave it all exactly as it is.

My life in summary since I disappeared a few weeks ago:

I’ve been traveling frequently, though not out of the country as I had wished. Nonetheless, hiking, whale watching, rock climbing and visits to both a belly-dancing bar and a lesbian club were potentially almost as cool as Italy. Okay, probably not. But I’m pretending and it’s good for moral. I’m off to Las Vegas for the weekend, back for a week, off to teach a Camp Quest for a week, back for a week, visiting LA for a week… after which, I’m planning on sitting at home and absorbing life for a while, or at least doing some of the homework and work-work that will pile up while I’m gone.

The brother situation proved too much and I moved. I have alternating pangs of guilt and frustration at how that entire situation played out, but I’m quite happy where I am now not the least because I currently have lots of truly exciting food in my refrigerator. There is nothing like stores nearby carrying such amusements as cheap chevre and vegetable pot stickers to help make up for the fact that I officially live in the city rather than in my log house.

I’ve started my second to last class before I’ll be entirely done with my master’s degree. I found one subleasor for my building, who will pay me about a third of what I need someone to pay me, so I’ll only be partially financially devastated by the end of the summer. I’m not packed in the slightest and my plane for Vegas leaves in a few hours. I need to go back.

Now that I’ve broken the curse of the “returning blog entry” the next should be something of more general interest and relevance. Probably.